Anyone have a generator Jeff could borrow?

Jeff is out of power and it might be till Wednesday that he gets it back. Anyone have a generator that he could borrow?

i dont have one but he can come stay here if he needs. i assume his phone is dead though?

he stayed at my house last night and probably again tonight… The problem is he has cars in the shop that need to leave, and more importantly one stuck on the lift!

I have an old sears 1500w gas generator…

If he needs it, have him give me a call…

i think i have a 5000w one if he needs it

yeah, thats not good

I talked to him a few minutes ago. He is able to use a power inverter and charge the phone in his truck So no problem there.
I’ll pass the word on to him about offers. Thanks!

I just picked one up this morning at Lowe’s. They got a shipment in (at least at Belle Vernon) and I stumbled in at the right time. Would have posted this sooner but still no power and just got to work.

I got there too late on Saturday. The downed stop sign at the left turn on 201 that heads over I70 and in to the shopping area is from my SUV… going to get a generator that they’d promised was being held for me but was gone when I got to Lowe’s. Bastards. So off to Roberts Auto Body I have to go.
Here was my street. They say power possibly by this Friday. Yay. Slept in car Friday and Saturday night.

Hope everyone else dealing with this is doing OK.

Wow Lee… you wern’t kidding… thats bad… looks like a lot of the hollows around my area!

I’m not surprised your street looks like that since it’s lined with tall trees. Hopefully this storm has cleared out a lot of the weak trees in SW PA.

Is that Turkey Hollow Road? Yikes.

Geez. Power didnt even so much as flicker in Natrona. Worst thing I had to deal with was the 30 minutes it took me to shovel out my car. I have an extra room here if anyone needs a place to crash for the night.

Ive got one on the way jeffy

thanks everyone. crashing at whitey’s house again tonight. not looking like getting power back till maybe hte weekend at earliest. once realized gonna be a while went back to work reinstalled a transmission in a hyundai with no air and used my cordless lights lol.

since when do hyundais come with transmissions?

I didn’t have power here in California Friday night through Monday night. I just got back here a couple hours ago from my parent’s house in Gibsonia. I had enough couch surfing around here and just went home. Sleeping with a coat on FTL.

If anyone needs a warm place to stay, I got 2 couches and plenty of floorspace. I seriously feel for anyone going through this weather with no power.

well picked up the generator from slowcamaro thanks and have a cordless impact to use to finish out a couple cars this week at least.

will be at teh whitey refugee camp tonight.

It’s like working at Bob’s shop again, isn’t it :frowning:

Glad to hear you found a place to get warm.