no power sucks

im at my mothers cause mecanicville gots no power till prolly sun night or mon how nice

Yeah, that really sucks… My girlfriend has no power till sunday too… She would stay here but she has a tennant upstairs and has to have the generator for the heat working…

no generator all the places are sold out tried that rt earlier and failed :lol if i didnt have my kids id say screw it and just get bombed on 151 that will keep ya toasty

i hear ya we just got power back, i was bored OUT OF MY FUCKIN MIND , no tv, no computer for the pastweek,no food and it was cold, fuck that shit

cold :crackup was at my place gettin some shit at about 9.30 and it was 40 in there already its been out since 3 am

you better hope it dosnt drop to 15 in your house?

lost power around 1:15am just got power back at 8pm. what a nice fucking day this was. :sad

No power dosnt suck. i goto work, clock in for 19 minutes and get told to go home :banana get paid for 4 hours and not working FTW

and Fireplaces in the house while haveing no heat also FTMFW

Advance was still ‘open’ today… I went in and opened the store at 10am (normally 7am) and left at 2pm (normally 3:30pm…)…

And got paid for a full 8hr shift. No power sucks… But at least my house has it. Gotta love having the powerlines underground here.

??? i passed by at 3 or 330… fucking place was black. WTF!. lol i need shit for the dsm. ill be there in the morning. buying my life away

It was so boring without power. I fell asleep on the couch at about 8:30 on Friday and went to bed about 10:30 last night.

I had set a windup clock for Friday morning and it went off a half hour early for no apparent reason and I didnt realize it so I was up at 3:30. I noticed that it was only 3:42 when I looked at my phone before heading out to scrape my windows. I decided to go to work anyway so I got to work at 4:30.

No power there either but that didnt really matter because I drive a truck most of the day anyway.

Atleast our heat worked. We’ve got an old furnace and we could manually start it.

Yea… I left around 2 or so… No power in the building at all. To run a computer I was using an Optima red top to an inverter to the power strip.

Advance offered to put all of the employees who didn’t have power in a hotel for the night(s).

my fish and my shrimp died. tank is running empty now.