anyone have a hook up at best buy?

so ive been searching for an ac unit for my window. prob is, the window is really small- the max width the ac unit can be is 16 inches. i found one at best buy for $99.99 that 15.5 inches in width and im like siiiqqqqqq i know what im doing tomorrow. but alas, i didnt read the fine print. its an online offer only, not carried in stores.

so i click the checkout thing and see how much shipping is, cant be too much i figure. its $140! eff paying $140 to ship a $100 ac unit, thats retarded…

i called and they said there was nothing they could do about it. cant ship it to any stores at all.

so im wondering if anyone has a hook up at best buy and can get the unit shipped to their store where i would pick it up. im willing to drive an hour or so, like i said this was the only window unit i found that would fit my window, the free standing tube ones are like $400+

thanks guys


I’ll try. I don’t want to ask this person… But they could defiantly make it happen.

edit_model number?

Sooo spend 20-30 bucks in gas/taxes and waste 2 hours driving there and back to save shipping costs? come on jam… be smart…

paulo, dex, and oasis24-7 work at best buy

i texted dex already, thanks will

and i dont think you read right… the shipping is $140 on top of the $100 for the unit… so with tax and all it will be like $260 for the unit… fuck that


YOU WOULD BE CORRECT… lol… i read shipping was 40… my bad…

this one is 30 bucks more, can be bought in the store, comes with a remote and has a digital screen.

i just bought it 3 days ago and its def worth it.


well, i guess i know what im doing tomorrow (again) lol

no need for the thread anymore this can be locked thanks guys!

^^^ nice… doing jams leg work… seems like you have a winner jam

haha apparently jam didnt take part in our air conditioner thread…

dammit i already left a message.

ugh. lol.

this is why i love nyspeed… its 2 AM… one of us has a problem… and we have 20 people to bitch to… and to my surprise, one of them had the solution…


goodnight nyspeed… im going to watch reno 911 on dvr.

the worst part is, iv been playing grid all night, ate way too much food, watched some tv and got absolutly nothing accomplished. i have to work 1030-7 tomorrow and helping jam was the most productive thing ive done since i got home at 7 tonight.


the most productive thing ive done today… hmmmm… i brought a lot of hungry lazy people food, dranks a few beers and banged out my gf

boy am i productive or what!

oh shit, JAM steppin up in the world! W/the A/C blarin!

I can offer you my 5 finger discount. :snky: