anyone have a hookup on new mattress/boxsprings?

anyone have a hookup on new mattress/boxsprings? let me know ASAP as I want something this week. thanks.

^meh, i want to be able to lay on it first.

american freight! on nia falls blvd in n.t

^^^been there. im not so sure of buying a “no name” mattress. did you get one from there?

I did once, I figure after the first hookup on it I can’t consider the mattress new.

i got a bunch of stuff there… nice stuff… name brand… got a nice bed, couches, tables… etc.

and if its no name… go lay on the demo, if you like it get it… you can pick it up right then and there or have it delivered… if you dont like pay more elsewhere… i looked for a while for a good deals… AM was the best for the cash

hope that helps

^^ thanks. ill check it out

I have a box spring available, queen size. $50?

^^ i want new. plus i need split box spring if i go from a full to a queen.

OK, it is only like 3-4 years old and looks new. But yeah, it’s not split.

Who cares if the mattress is no-name… get on it… if its comfortable, it will perform just like any other mattress

ah~ i need a set of box and mattress too

not really… it might fall apart in a year – how long they last is a big part of why the good ones cost more up front, but over time they’re just as good of a value, if not better.