Mattress hookup?

So it’s about that time, my mattress is about shot. Does anyone have the hookup on a good one? I am starting to not be able to sleep anymore because of it being so “broken in”.

Let me know, I’d hate having to spend like $500 on a good mattress.

Just flip it over. “Break in” the other side. Haha.

you should spend at least 500 on a new mattress. it’s where you’ll spend roughly 30% of your life, don’t cheap out on bedding.

^^ I know, my current mattress was like ~550ish, at a discount of free because of the owner being my step dad’s cousin.

So hopefully, someone can hook me up here or I’ll suffer for a bit til I can see if I can get one back home.

i was looking at a 3k mattress the other day. a 500 dollar mattress is not an expensive one… so needless to say, i’m also looking for the hookup

500 mattress + 100 memory foam = 3000 quality and comfort mattress :clap:

Mattress hookup ? lol…I thought this would be another dating thread. Silly me… :lol:

Wait for it…

Wait for it…


I have a mattress in the back of my van you can try out…oh and i have candy

homeless people… theyre already broken in, and if you have a gang of people to roll with, theyre free as well :wink:

i got a firm queen size at that place by the mickinley mall next to the cingular store for 550.

even thought it seems pricey you spend 1/3rd of your life there, so it is worth it.