Anyone have a lug key i can borrow?

So i’m trying to put my rims on the 240 today but of course all the lug nuts on this car are the “tuner style” spline drive guys that require a key, which i don’t have… does anyone have one that i can borrow to see if it’ll work?

Arent thay all differnt styles, I have one, thats came with the lock nuts on my car IDK if its the one your looking for though

I used a 17mm on mine and it was fine (until I found the key). they look like that basically… if thats what your talking about having a key for

17mm was too big :frowning:

i got one if you wanna swing by im in cheektowaga.

I have those on my 240 and when I bought my shell it came with the same thing, both keys work on both sets of lug nuts though, I have an extra key you can have if it works


Jay I have the key you need. Im working though…LMK!

ahh yes very common, i had those twice, but not anymore… sorry… my del sol owner has it…

nyspeed to the rescue, got one :slight_smile: thanks everyone for the replies