Rumor has it dawn is actually newman’s troll/predator account.
i think she’s real.
didn’t we discuss this before.
someone thought she was montecarlochick.
lol what happened to that broad?
no clue.
but she was a bitch.
ps. i don’t have any hot friends, thread starter. i can’t help you.
i killed her.
i killed her.
Thank you…now I take back all those really really mean things I said behind your back.
i deserved them. hugs?
^I thought I knew who you were at first, because my wife used to be really good friends with a girl named Jen Hart. Must be a different girl though. She lives in Syracuse, not eastbumfuck.
I > jen hart.
i deserved them. hugs?
I don’t wear clothes when I hug, so that’s out. So e-hug it is.
I > jen hart.
I dunno, you seem OK but Jen Hart was a pretty quality girl too. Decent personality, good looking, and claimed to have taken a friend’s F-body through the 1/4 in 12’s.
Oh I believe you, I’m just wondering how so? Looks? Personality? Numchuck skills?
SiiiiQQQQQQ numchuck skills.
That’s awesome. You are officially hotter than the Jen Hart I know.
Are you even a chick?
i mean…
i thinnnkkk soooo
shuffles feet
Well your posts are descriptive and on topic, that’s one sure sign that you’re a chick. Bewbies? Lack of wang? Those are good indicators too. :tup:
i have boobies but
no pics for you.
No shit, you have class too. What the fuck are you doing here?
i think we devoured this thread. sir fry.
i have hot friends, but they’re slutty and probably out of your league. Srrrryyy