Hot spots?

Hey, after four years me and my girl broke up because she cheated on me!
Wheres a good spot to meet some chicks?


not pittspeed :rofl:

Dan (BurnyD) and Zach (Cheeks) prefer the JR High school parking lots, and any gas station nearby any JR/SR High school just before class starts, or after class’s are dismissed… :dunno:

free clinic?

pics of whore?


First…how old are you…second…does she have a hot sister? If so go screw her…it’ll piss your ex off even more, and don’t say its impossible because i was fucking 3 friends at the same time and they all knew about it…and a final tip…don’t post shit like this on pittspeed…98% of the responses you get will be total bs



Truth to that…some of the freakiest chicks i’ve ever met were straight up church girls…

x2…or band geeks

what age crowd you lookin for? if you have some cash, hang out at the bar at nakama. i’m sure some skanky bitch would knock boots with you there.

well theres girls there you pefer the all boys school.

not to hi-jack this thread but how many people have actually meet a descent chick by going to a bar? Descent meaning they had some kind of morals. Just asking because I never have…

And never will…this kid needs some ass…4 year relationship down the drain via cheating…he needs a bounce back not a chick with morals. But good point nick…takes me back to something my mom said…“If you meet a chick in the club…that’s where you will always find her” Don’t go to places like the expecting to meet someone decent…

Oh, well in that case any place in the strip/southside is a good choice.

i met my wife at a bar… she was friends with my buddy’s cousin

Oh and disease free…lol

y would you go to a bar to find a girl with morals ? :bowrofl: :beer:

You bring up a good point, but the real question is where do you find a girl with morals?