anyone have cakewalk home studio?

i have a version of cakewalk home studio that 95accordvtec got for me off the internet a while back, but i cannot get it to work properly…i can record stuff with the microphone as tracks and edit them and everything, but i want to insert a drum file and you SHOULD be able to make one on the program…but everytime i open the program it asks me to choose MIDI outputs/inputs saying i dont have any…i dont understand this. can anyone help??
i get the option to choose, so i click that tab…
and there is the “windows MIDI mapper” listed, and the “help” directions say to select any MIDI device listed, click the button on the bottom that says “move selected to top” and then “OK” and that should fix it, but i just loops right back to the previous screen warning me i have no MIDI…??? :confused: :gotme: :rant:

Yeah, I can’t see shit in those pics. What sound card are you using? You probably have to setup the MIDI devices on it, or maybe load in an instrument set into it. There should be somewhere you can select a synth from your sound card. If you don’t have that setup, the MIDI mapper will be mapped to nothing.

If you open a .mid file on your computer, will it play?

I don’t have much experience with Cakewalk (tried it just long enough to decide I didn’t like it) All of my multitracking experience is with Cubase.

the homestudio came with a bunch of synth programs and everything…how would i go about setting up my MIDI devices???