Anyone know anything about recording studio equipment?

I have Cubase SE, and EMU 0404 audio card, and an Alesis QS8 that I cannot make work together… does anyone know anything about such things? :slight_smile:



my uncle (usef dinero) does beats and what not for various artists…i’ll ask him he probably knows

gives laptop to my roommate who’s a Recording arts Major

He said it’s probably drivers or set-up issues. He uses Pro-Tools. He said look up updated drivers for your interface.

are you pluggin in the alesis in the midi or audio inputs. check out the preferences for the cubase and make sure they are set right. an easy thing to forget is the volume adjustments on windows down by the clock, make sure the inputs are selected and not muted.

Using audio inputs… The problem is that I can’t make Cubase record the audio from the Alesis.

is it getting the sounds from the keyboard into the comp but just not recording them or is there no sound at all. if no sound click on the track your using in cubase and see if the meter is moving when you play anything to see if its getting there but you just can’t hear it. if it is moving and you can’t hear it find the monitor button for that track/input if you haven’t already.

It does not record anything, meter does not move when keyboard is played and the cubase track is recording.

ok so the sound isn’t getting from the keyboard to the program. im not to firmiliar with cubase, see on the track your using or the whole prog in general what ins and outs it is selected too, make sure it is the ones you are trying to use, the e-mu. i use sonar so im alittle lost in cubase.
