music editing/recording software

anyone know of a good one?
doesnt matter if its free or not. ill end up torrenting it anyways.


vegas video works really well for multi-track recordings.

Depenending how indepth you want to get, Reason was always a lot of fun.

the best way to do it is to download them all and try them all, what works best with you and what you’re trying to do

for my remixes and production i use ableton live and i swear by it - but some people that make a lot more money doing production then me use fruity loops, and they make it work, yet to me i don’t feel like it’s professional enough. but that’s more beatmaking. i know some really really “major” producers that swear by FL!

from my experience around the field, pro tools and logic are the way to go for those in bands/songwriting…you know, playing “real” instruments.

it would be for people playing “real” instruments.
and i already tried pro tools and i cant find a torrent anywhere that actually works.

don’t waste your time, it’s hardware based and very difficult to crack…


mixcraft, its like mac’s garageband but for windows, very easy to use and get, just google it

Sonar, from my experiences.

…Anything can be cracked. Cubase, Autocad, Sonar, Rhino, ProTools etc…

downloading sonar as we speak.