Anyone have M22 tap?

Does anyone have an M22x1.5 tap or thread chaser I could borrow?

I really don’t like borrowing tools, but it’s a big size and fine thread. Most kits don’t have it.

for what?

A.I.R. pipe plug in the headers. Threads are pretty crappy and have coating on them, plug only goes in half way.

long tubes will fix that

I have bungs for my LT1 (AIR delete) that you might want to use to ream out the threads. I keep spares around because my car tends to throw them off from time to time. If you want one, say the word and it’s yours.

yes i had them… but their in the giant tool box at firestone :frowning:

I don’t know if a regular carbon steel will be enough to clean up the threads or not. I might just have to buy a decent sized kit. Not that I WANT to buy more tools, but what can you do when you NEED them. :wink:

Well, if you lube up the threads real good, it MIGHT work and it’s free… If you are interested let me know.

long tubes

Can I stay with you or Brian? Cause I might not have a place to live if I spend any more time or money on this project! I think she’d starting to get a little pissed that it’s taking so long. There’s landscaping to be done.

sure thing buddy!!!cars >the ladys!!!:smiley:

j/k ladys>cars

how about take it to machine shop? any machine shop should be able to do it for you. still cheaper than buying the tap that will never get used again
ehlers NAPA
KMP in west newton
just a thought

I’m going to try the part from Keith. They really only need a little cleaning up.

I’ve made several trips to KMP! Kevin’s helped me out, great guy to work with.

ill check at work on mondya for you if you still need it. we have a inhouse machine shop but most things are SAE but ill check fo ya


ladys that love cars > *

jeff get that thing done

your wife wants the POOL in bye the end of summer :slight_smile:

:doh: Pool idea might be done. New idea is to level part of the yard and build a retaining wall. It would take a SHITLOAD of dirt to do that and a big ass wall.

But you’re right, I need to get it done and move on to ard work!

And thanks to Keith for the extra plug.