Anyone having problems accessing Bings site?

as the title says I can’t seem to view your site Bing, maybe its just my computer not sure whats happening, any others with this problem?

Naw, I couldn’t get on the other day either.


host is down… like 3-4 of my sites are down at the moment…

John (jammin) is taking care of it.

if you have any questions feel free to ask here.

thanks for letting us know Bing now some of us can breathe easy lol, sorry to hear about your server

my apologies guys

issues at the host… they’re giving me the runaround big time.

Balls. BALLS I SAY! John, quit making excuses. Just go start killing people. They’ll get the hint.

site is back up

site is back up

site is back up

is the site back up?

Hey Bing, is the site back up?

iono, hey bing is the site back up yet?


Hey Bing, the site’s back up.

no F’in way.