anyone here flip cars?

i figure along with a weekly check this could help make my car go fast lots quicker lol.

My boss used to do it all of the time, he would buy cars boats trailers anything that he could get as a steal at the auction, clean it up and list it in the classifieds. He made a killing doing it.

Making money by buying and selling cars is completely possible. The problem lies in the fact that most people do not have the patience it takes to sell a car. go on any of the FS threads on this site and watch the price drop by almost halft every month. If you have the time to wait and stay firm to a plan you will make money plain and simple. but be smart about buyying and selling. And definitly stick to something you know the value of. alot of times you can buy something when someone absolutly needs to sell to pay bills or whatever. then if you have time to hold onto till someone needs a car or wants that particular car the profit will come. like anything else in life, good things come to those who wait.

PATIENCE + PLANNING = $$$$$$$$$$$

Im working on doing the same thing. Im hoping to have a lot by next year.

Good luck!

I have done but you have to work like really hard to make money.
For example,

  • Buy a car for 1500
  • put $500 into it
  • then takes you a month to sell
  • Sell the car for 2500 bucks lets say

now what have you gained from all this nothing. u have to take in consideration the time you had the car which cost money. The time you put in the car to make it sell for a good price which it cost money. so all i am sayin make sure you have a really good deal and know wht your doin. and dont get things that need a ton a work. Atleast i think to make a good dollar you need to fix a car quick and sell fast or your just wastin time. Its not that hard but you gotta be dedicated to make some good money.

i believe turbociv has flipped a few cars…

Selling cars, like tractors or forklifts or anything else I’ve dealt in is about buying them right. If you spend to much you are screwed from the start. My opinion is that there is more money in more expensive trucks and SUV’s. Rather than buy a $1000 car and fix it up to sell for $2000 you should be buying a truck or SUV or lux car for $20,000 to fix up and sell for say $26000. Problem is you need the cash or credit to do that. At this point I don’t.

Here in Syracuse it’s hard to sell low dollar small cars (saturns, sunfires, corollas, you name it) unless they are real cheap say $1500 or less. Otherwise friggin Billy is financing the Hyundai’s for everybody and anybody. Thus every trailer park wife and high schooler whose parents can’t afford to buy her a new Acura is rocking a Hyundai.

As stated above you need to take your time in selling. Basically you have to wait for a dumbass to come along. Somebody like me who knows their shit won’t give $3200 for a 2003 Sunfire because they know it’s $1200 at the auction.

I do it everyday. i have sold like twenty Hondas over the last few years. Buy them cheap sell them for what they are worth. I see cars all day long driving around and if I keep seeing a car sitting there over a few months I go up to the house and see if they wanna sell it. I buy them and usually something really easy to fix and them sell them. Most I ever made was from a 95 GSR, bought it for $500 ( needed timing belt) traded it for a 2003 Focus and sold the focus for $4000. Not a bad days work. Easy money if you know what to buy.

You claimed that on your income tax return, of course :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s right though, it’s all about buying them right. My feeling and experience is that it isn’t worth the hassle for $500 cars. Especially when it costs $50 in gas to go pickup something with the trailer even if it’s close by. They are risky at that price level. You win some and lose some. If you do enough you’ll come out ahead. It just takes some time.

Another tip, try to sell mainly on swap sheet or Craigslist or something. You have too many cars in the yard with a for sale sign over the course of a year the town code officer might own you.

In my opinion the best car to flip would be a saturn
They dont dent.They dont rust.
So you really dont have to worry about body work.A HUGE PLUS.
Great gas milage.

You can find them blown if you know the right people.Buy the car for 200 ,a motor from M&M for 100.Swap it.A little TLC if necessary and you can sell that for 1k all day long.In the paper they usually are about 1500-2500.
Iv swapped a saturn motor in 1 day by myself.No help at all.

just by looking at them…they flip themselves

suv’s and trucks are def good money maker just have to have a good amount to start with. just buy a coulpe cars sell those to get enough money to buy a truck or suv then flip a couple of those. If you really get into it but wht i consider special interest vehicles, old cougars, corvettes and muscle cars and stuff. i would stay away from the upgraded hondas and stuff cause they dont bring as much money.

im hoping this works out, id like to make some extra $ to be abble to make my car fast enough to be some competition

It can be done but its a pain in the ass with the potential to lose money. Maybe you can find a sunfire for $800, spend a day cleaning it, put new brakes on it for $200 in parts, maybe 2 new tires or something for $200, and now you have a car that you have $1200 into. Maybe you can sell it to some schmuck for a tick over $2k, for an $800 profit, not including gas and time youve wasted. Then again, you could have the thing sitting in your yard for 3 months and finally sell it for a grand to get rid of it. Plus you need to keep in mind that if you’re dealing with cheap cars you’re going to be dealing with a lot of fuckups and retards.

We did it in college
Get four guys (roids optional) and lift
My back still hates me

Also if you sell more than 5 cars a year (not sure if that’s still the number) you have to have a dealer license or you can just run your deals through a dealer if you know one.

really? ive sold more cars than that this year and havent been to the auction once, thats kinda dumb

This is how I started making my money.Anyone that knows me used to know how many I sold.I usually bought kind of rare cars(quad 442,GTU’s,mustang gt’s etc) something that had some sort of desirability to the right person.I’ve flipped a few GN’s many Trans am’s and camaros,mustangs etc.
Most importantly You have to see the potential profit in the car.

im guessign 3rd gen fbodys arent near the top of that list lol

^lol no, but do you get what I’m saying?Have to buy what ppl WANT.I’ve even bought modded cars and stripped them as well.

I have sold many many cars, you need to know what your getting into right off the bat.
(Over 35 and I haven’t lost money on 1 of them. :))

Ex. how much work the car needs. Your best bet is buying a dirty car. People are lazy and will they sell for much more. Clean it up and put in new black floor matts and people will go nuts about it. Don’t buy what you can’t fix.

Then you also need to know what type of cars to buy and what colors. Red/Black/White are a best bet for sure. Make sure that they type of car is what people want. Sell cars in summer and trucks in winter.

Know your prices and stick to them. You don’t marry a car, if you can’t get it at your price walk. Only buy under value to give you a bit of a buffer.

Do it, but be honest and people will come back to you.