anyone here flip cars?

im jw if anyone here does it. once i start working i wana flip a few to make a few extra bucks and was wonderign if anyone here has any experience

talk to 4x4 jimmy :smiley:

I have a couple I would like to flip. They are smashed up a little, but still run. I think I would like to run them in an enduro class first to get use out of them before entering a roll over contest to finish them completely off.

I am not sure of the pay out so I don’t know how much money you could make if you won. It is $30 to enter, + price of the car - price of your car weight in scrap). The rules are on page 29.

lmao thats not what i meant by flip but ok ya i wudnt mind flippin the cutty before i sell or demo it

there is no $ in it unless you have access to an auction.

which i do, my cousins and his 2 buddies go all the time

then you could probably do ok if you had a decent plan and bought normal cars that appeal to the general public making them easier to sell

thats why i was posting, what cars usually sell good and such

Honda’s and economy toyota’s. Things that pull good resale that are cheap and easy to fix.

My best advice would be, find something you think you would most comfortable fixing or working on. If you have knowledge in camaros, that might help you to fix it up quicker than say buying a honda, although you would have to be clueless to not know how to fix a honda.

Also find a car that might look like it needs alot of work, but in all reality can be fixed up properly with a little tlc. It comes down to whatever you think your abilities are and what your willing to do.

Or, go down south, pick up a few cars that “saw” some water…

Vacuum and change teh carpets…wash the title ??? profit.

lol thats actually funny, i might go down there this summer

wow, don’t you fit the title nyspeed has givin you.

That is such a scumbag move.

But what ever. If I ever was dumb enough to buy a car with a washed title i’d go back and ring the guys neck

i didnt mean id do that, i meant thats funny as i might go to carolina for a week or so this summer, that was a coinsidence

I do it all the time

We flipped one in my garage. It’s still there :frowning:

yeah you you don’t do it right. Flipping is to make money, not lose it lol.

Complete bullshit. Untradriver10000 is a perfect example. He has made so much money flipping cars I could cry.

Find the right cars at the right price you can make $
Classic cars work best I would think because there is always a want for them and sometimes you can walk into a sweet deal and flip good.

I’ve done it before too.


find southern or western cars with faded to fuck paint, buy cheap, spray, sell…