Anyone here have type 1 diabeties?

Serious question. I literally have had every symptom for awhile now, and will seeing a doctor asap-

Symptoms are-

Type 1 Diabetes

* Frequent urination
* Unusual thirst
* Extreme hunger
* Unusual weight loss
* Extreme fatigue and Irritability

(bring on the Wilfred Brimley jokes)

I did have type 1, but after a few months of doing regular insulin and changing diet a bit, I am now classified as borderline diabetic. So no insulin, but also still no sugar, as much as possible.

i fit some of those symptoms but its usually bc i consume alot of beer

Dude don’t ask Shift about it, just go see a damn doctor tomorrow. You’re gonna get so much misinformation from this forum it’s gonna make you think you have AIDS, herpes, the clap, cancer in the lungs, testes, brain, and liver as well as Type 3 diabetes.

I’m going to the doctor tomorrow regardless. I’m just curious if anyone KNOWS that they have it.

Paging 6SPD S4

Yeah go to the doctor my dude.

The problem with self-diagnosis is that it’s generally 100% wrong. I would be surprised if you had diabetes, or anything for that matter. Seriously, the list you just put up can apply to a perfectly healthy person as well.

Nope but I’m working on it!

FYI all of these symptoms can be caused or attributed to the ridiculous amount of caffeine you ingest

My dad has it and has a foot missing because of it. Get checked out.


Sorry to hear man :frowning: Known a few people this has happend to.

Definitely hit up the doctor dude.

Truth on the caffeine statement. As an EMT, my personal opinion would be to you get some blood work done to make sure all your levels are in normal range. They can tell a lot from a little blood. If you do have the beatis don’t be too concerned. It is a very manageable disease now. 40 years ago my grandfather died of a fairly common case of diabetes and he was a pharmacist!

Ask Mr. S4. He manages his beatis well… Except that one time I came to get a sandwich and he was walking around like a zombie with a blood sugar of 35.

It’s actually less now man. Probably 400MG a day (that’s about two cups of coffee for reference).

By all means, go get some panels done. At our age (or any age for that matter) it’s worth getting done. Have them check your TSH and free T3/T4 levels as well.

Again, could be due to all the caffeine you were ingesting, it can also happen when your going through withdrawal if you will.

200mg is 2 cups of coffee so 4 would be 4 cups :slight_smile:

FYI, currently a week in on my caffeine detox

Experiencing most of the symptoms listed

Trying to cut most caffeine out of my diet aside from a coffee or tea in the morning, currently not having any and going to try not to for at least a month to let my body reset. Getting off soda and crap entirely.

Have my mind set on making big changes on the health aspects of my life