Anyone Here Know How to ADD?

Long winters here in NY…

haven’t gone yet this year, but i heard last weekend was amazing.

1 + 1 = 10



as long as he stays off your fucking ice

Actaully in the context I was writing it in 10 is the correct answer, but that’s okay you aren’t hopelessly nerdy. :slight_smile:

Is he trying to be the total internet hardass?


but why does 2 + 2 = 22 then?

red is blue blue is red

You and your crazy concatenations.


Internet Hardass [/TOUCHESFACE]

fuzzy uses the TM symbol more than anyone else ive ever seen combined. im sort of jealous.


this thread has far outlived its intentions, and as expected, has taken a disasterous tangent that no longer provides entertainment for those who expected it.

motion to lock?


You started the thread ;), I will lock it then…