Anyone know a shop that would turn slotted rotors?

I haven’t been able to find one. Biggest problem is that the rotors are part of the hub assembly, so I’d prefer to keep them on the truck to do it. But even still, I’d remove them if someone would do it.
Everyone is denying cutting slotted rotors.

cant do it

Ya, you shouldn’t do that.

Yeah you can’t do it.

no one wants to do it because it will abuse their equipment. sure rotors are warped? could just be improper pad material seating. what type of truck? also, have you tried spiritied driving and then slowly letting the rotors come back to temp. worse thing to do is heat a rotor up, then park it.

It can be done. Cochran subaru told me that they would do mine, but they wanted more than the cost of a set of blanks to do it.

it can definitely be done, but sailor is right, most people don’t want to do it because of the abuse on their machine and tooling.

I’m thinking they’re glazed on the back side (hard to see without getting in there, as most of it is covered with the water/dust shield). Front side looks clean. They don’t seem warped, but I don’t know. I’ve spun them by hand and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. There is no vibration on driving, only when braking. It’s wifey’s ride, and she goes through pads like no tomorrow. Doing makeup while talking on the cell phone and reading a book makes the brakes wear fast I guess…
I put these rotors on last summer with new pads. Incredible difference from stock. Now they pulsate like crazy on braking. Pads were bedded correctly.
Once weather warms up, I’m going to check and see if maybe I can determine a little better. I just wanted to be pro-active and see if I could find a place.
I’ve had slotted/cross drilled rotors cut before. Place on 19 in McCandless di my last rotors on the Audi. But that was easy because I could bring the rotors in. On the xTerra, it’s a pain getting the hub assembly apart to get the rotor off.

I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and just put it out there. The backsides of your rotors are not “glazed”. It can be tricky to look directly at a rotor face and see .015 runout. So alot of times they don’t “seem” warped. I’ve never heard of somone putting slotted rotors on and claiming any improvement of any braking characteristic. Its kinda like putting a lound muffler on and telling yourself “It definately feels a bit faster.” Pad material issues tend to become extremely apperent soon after they start. Your girl is probably and aggresive, or ignorant braker. She burns pads down, and warps rotors. But you already knew all that. Good luck on finding a place to turn them.