Anyone know about this?

From First Bass

Whos calling the shots on it?, Who is making the overall final desision. Burnny Dee call me up and wants me to come work on the car, install speaker box carpet… in which i will provide along with the glue needed for the application, but i dont wana step on any toes, so who should I look to hear from BEFORE driving down to find out that Burny came up with this on his own.
He said Jeff said its a go, but I want to hear it from somebody of more importance than Burnyyd

yes it was discusseed to help make it some what nice looking, help with sealing some of the seams better from smoke and to help make it look like we have a interior to others. if you look like a full body panels they would never know that its nothing more then a tin can

ok thats fine… but why have dan talk to Chaz? and when do we want him to come down?

speakers add weight!:smiley: carpet i can see!

no speakers just carpet

i called cheeks yesterday to have him call me but some how dan got into it.
he can look at it friday i think but that would depend on how much work gets done tonight and friday

i would say have him look at it over the weekend at PVGP
that way he won’t get in the way of progress and BSing. right now we have a great crew that work very well together.

ok… his aim name is FirstnBass

Just let him know the details of what you want done and when.