Anyone know about TURBO START BATTERY's

Anyone know where they sale them?

like which autoparts store, or car dealership?

I have a used one and would like to return it for a warrenty issue, but i have no clue where they sale them… I checked their site with not much luck either, so if anyone knows…help a nog out!!

thanks guise!!!

hey guise someone help this guise figure out where they sale them so he can get his warrenty work done!

Turbo Start was originally a division of New Castle Battery Co. They used to have a location in Jeannette. I think New Castle went out of business.

Looks like Axiom Power now. Probably need to contact them directly.

the one in jeanette is gone too. just a vacant garage.


hmmmm GUISE?


j000000000 :tounge:

buy a new battery?

Oh Rly? guise/

oh snap GUISE?

i want afree battery GUISE

does gary at charleroi alternator shop carry them? for some reason i remember he did. but that was a while ago. wouldn’t hurt to call

we used to carry them at our shop, but they got bought out and i believe switched to Transcontinental instead of Turbo Start and we dropped them. i can get a phone number for them on monday if you want and maybe they can get you some help.

Yep they’re long gone. I think I remember seeing them in a Summit Catalog, but I couldn’t tell you how recently.

I guess I wasn’t clear enough.

blow me single “d”

you got tiny little rice dick?

bought a 10 dollar one off this dude, then returned it to a local auto parts store and got a brand new 90.00 dollar one under the warrenty… they didnt want to do it but i talked to the manager!! wooty woot