Anyone know Kid named Joe Comstock on G.Island?

Lived in the Bedell rd apts. until a few weeks ago.Have cell phone # but is now disconnected.

sounds familiar… why, he owe u some $$??

when you find him, tell him he charges too much for images

He was the one who alledgedly stole the wifes purse,CC’s,etc. out of the Tahoe.Cops are involved but haven’t heard anything.
Any help to find this possible dirtbag would be appreciated.

if we foudn him , would you trow in a free pizza?

someone on here HAS to be able to do a skiptrace on his ass …

Much more then a pizza if she gets her stuff back.

that will only work if he registers his new address with the postoffice. seriously doubt he did, if the po-po is looking for him.

EDIT i just read what you guys said, nothing to see here, move along.

is now disconnected

I never said that. You are a liar. :slight_smile:

How this name was given Long story short,found a kid w/ one of the CC’s.His mom called us.Kid said he got it from Joe C.Cops know all the details,but still haven’t contacted us back yet.Said they could at least arrest the one kid for possession.