anyone know these punkS

Don’t be hatin just because we want to be making it rain on them hoes.

i am laughing picturing you talking like that

please explain why white people want to be black… (unless your taking advantage of all there affirmative action perks)

M&M started this crap, I want to know why every other white kid is like that…

thanks =)

Whatever homeslice, M&Ms don’t know shit. Lame-ass candy coated lyrics be that shit. Vanilla Ice is my boy homie, don’t be hatin’.

Thats the most retarded shit I’ve ever heard in my life.
Eminem dosent even try to be black, but im not here defending him.
Eminem wasnt even close to the first whire rapper, or the first good white rapper.
Ra the rugged man? was around sense the 80’s
How about CAGE where eminem stole his whole shit from.
Neither of them try to “be black”
Just because a white dude makes hip hip dosent mean he wants to be black.
The best hip hop artists are WHITE

i was with you for the first line.

after that, your post was crap


its “ineedacar” boss.

that wasn’t even funny, and i’m not sure claiming someone gets mad that other people know what size pants to wear is an insult, or really even makes much sense…

I sincerely hope you’re 14, or have some severe case of retardation because that was seriously the dumbest thing anyone has put time into saying… ever.

god. stop posting. PLEASE.

um… :shrug: :wtf:

just felt like saying something stupid?


hey whats up guys?

I have to admit it makes me laugh when I see dudes running around wearing what looks to be their daddy’s tee shirt and their daddy’s jeans; hoping someday they’ll grow into them.

Absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know how anyone can expect society to respect them looking like that.

thats what I meen…

the rest :gtfo: