Anyone know where I can learn to fight?


if YOU’RE going to call him an idiot, at least do it right.

try a rear choke on me jack :slight_smile:

Seriously, go take Krav if you want to learn how to fight.

I believe there is only one reason to ever fight, and its if i feel my life is in danger. If that is the case, you go for fast, powerful and repetitive disabling blows to the Throat, Groin, Eyes, Nose, etc.

Keep your arms up and tight to your body, never cross your legs or feet. Learn how to bounce around with your feet shoulder width apart, and one in front, one behind. Stepping into an attackers punch will make it less powerful than backing away, although a diversion of the punch is best.

learn how to use multiple attacks quickly, from different positions. Most good fighters are good due to muscle memory. As you practice and repeat these attacks, your muscles learn them, and you dont need to think about it when it happens.

Put you entire body into hits, when you knee, make sure your hips thrust into it, I have lifted guys my size off of the ground with a good knee.

And if you are able to get ahold of them by grabbing them and thrusting a good knee into thier chest, followed by a downward hammer to the base of the skull (insert hit here), and the attacker stops resisting, get your ass out of there. As soon as they give up, or stop resisting, you are no longer defending yourself.

Use your hands to deflect punches to either side of your face, it takes very little effort to deflect a strong punch, it just takes good timing.

Most of it comes down to knowing your surroundings, keeping very alert, and avoiding situations. If you can stay away from getting into a fight, you will be much better off than getting in one.

There are hundreds of things, seriously if you just want to learn fighting, with no “art” part of it, take Krav Maga, and if you want to learn ground fighting, they teach grappling at the same facility.

go downtown on a busy night…

start off with the real drunk idiots, then work your way gradually to the more sober idiots…you’ll please a lot of people in the process of learning to fight…

eventually you can work your way up to the bouncers…

Fighting takes a long as time to learn. No matter how high you think your pain tolenrance is. You have to pracitce so much that it becomes almost second nature. Then once you have it down pact you have to practice even more so that you don’t lose the art.

Only time I fight is when someone else starts it.

I don’t like fighting because I don’t remember what I do…

I usually start to remember when the medics are around wondering if I’m ok and tending to the person/people I flipped out on.

But when I did spar when I was younger in my general self defense class, I remembered a couple things.

  1. Punches are great, when you know how to place them, and follow through with them. A jab is good to stun, but most people out there and take a jab without any incident and then proceed to beat the shit out of you. When you punch, focus on a point 6" past the point where you want to hit him. Don’t throw “all” your weight into the punch, because chances are if you don’t know how to fight, you are going to do that and leave a huge portion of your body exposed.

  2. For someone who doesn’t fight a lot, don’t be on the offensive. Why? Because you probably won’t know what to do. Let the other guy fuck up. Avoid his punches, kicks, or his attempts to grab you. Most fights that break out between people who don’t really know how to fight do not even really have punches thrown. Their first instinct is to get the oppenent on the floor, so they try to wrestle you down. Little or no effort is required to push an idiot trying to tackle you from the front when he lowers his head and you sidestep some and push him to the ground (which he is already half way down to)

  3. Jack is very right. Anything goes in a streetfight. There are no refs, and you are going to get arrested anyway if you cause massive amounts of injury or only get a couple slaps in. If there is a guy on top of you, protect your face. then punch him in the dick. That will get him off you real quick.

  4. I’ve seen the best fighters take huge hits to the groin before. For a second or 2 they dull the pain and inflict massive damage on their opponents, but when the pain comes - man, it really comes. But then it goes away, and all that pain is replaced by rage. So if you are going to cocknock someone, I suggest you do it real hard, and beat the shit out of them while they are down. Or run, really far away.

True quick story :

I was working at the Steer one time and huge fights broke out everywhere. For those of you who don’t know - I DJ’ed there, not a bouncer.

Anyway - A bouncer was dragging these two guys out when one of the guys friends decides to try to hit the bouncer.

I stepped in and grabbed the guy, who promptly looked at me, then I looked at him and his 2 friends behind him. They were all going to beat the shit out of me.

The guy who I was grabbing went for my arm, which I promptly moved and grabbed his balls. Hard.

Immediately, he reached down with both hands to try to get my arm off, but the more he pulled the … well, you get it.

I pushed him down with my other arm, and then just as the other two were done seeing if he was ok and about to beat me up, my bouncer buddy came back.

I’m not exactly proud of grabbing some guys junk - but you know what, you gotta do what you gotta do when you are about to get beat down hard by 3 meatheads.

I promptly doused my hand in vodka afterwards.

btw, it’s not worth fighting someone anymore… i have too much to lose.

^lmao great story howie.:gay3:

how ironic this thread comes up after what happened to me in harrisburg this weekend. key is just to keep moving and watching your back. i took one shot which i didnt even know was coming and after that i took it to the ground and didnt stop swinging. dont ever assume that if you let the person up the fight will be over. its over when you decide he isnt going to move for a bit. thats my two cents

so im gonna go on about my life and fights

in 7th grade i got my ass beat…ONCE

hasnt happened since.

i also do not care how fuckin big you are, youre big and slow, im not.

last figth i got in i have no recollection (sp?) of what happened.

beyond the fact i was piss drunk, i get in a fight i see nothing.

all i know is what i was told from bystanders…and it had something to do with me, with my knees on this kids shoulders giving him the left right to the fuckin face for about 45-60 sec. i stopped when i thought my arms were gonna fall off and was picked up by 3 dudes, and proceeded to kick the kid in the face out of rage of course.

i feel no class will teach you whats really important in a fight, real life experience does.


you think that guy from kenyons could teach us a thing or 2 about fighting…or shittalking ahhahahahahahhahahahah


My two cents:

I am the guy who blacks out every single time I fight, fight.

I am also a small guy. I don’t know you so I don’t know if you are too.

I tried boxing classes and have also got many second hand lessons on some martial arts (doesn’t count IMO but still).

The best way to learn how to fight (IMO) is to just do it. Grab some close friends, some gloves, light helmets for ear protection, a mouth gard, and go!

You will learn alot about what your body can handle. Plus, you have friends there to stop it if anything gets out of hand. And the best part, you are all close friends afterwards.

We started doing this early highschool and almost eight years later we are getting more organized.

I know its “fight club” style, but it does not get any better.

Its a great work out, lets off A LOT of steam, and lets you know which one of your friend not to ever start with :wink:

see this dude knows whats up. we did do they “fight club” kinda thing a few times in highschool also.

Ghitzu classes or however you spell it, I started takin them when I joined the Army, Helps me out alot if I ever were to need it

Fighting is too messy these days. Nice blast to kneecaps takes care of business. Quick and easy.

:word: Nothing will educate you more than a practical form of martial art.

Without getting into any sort of technique, you need to put in time and commitment to be solid so you can feel confident taking on 2 or 3 meatheads twice your size or perhaps 1 Jack95tsi.