Anyone live over on the South Side

“the company I work for rented a loft apartment to entertain clients and house employees who may be working south of the city.”

It’s a loft in the South Side Lofts building, 23rd street a few block on the hill side of Carson St. MTV Cribs level of ballerness. Anywho we’ll be down that way pretty much any spare minute this summer… not that we don’t already spend a lot of time down that way but I was wondering if any Pittspeeders know of any cool, off the beaten path places or places that are hot on week nights or anything like that…


I call BS.

south side… never heard of it

is that down by the stadiums???

no thats over by the Civic arena I think ??

i think there are local bars in the area. best of luck…


I call your mother to rent her tongue when I run out of toilet paper.

You should start a list of things you’ve never heard or never will hear. I’ll start you off.

  1. Damn that 240sx smoked that silver Corvette owned by Darkstar.

if by stadium you mean your mother’s cunt.

other side of the Mon, faggot… and by Mon I mean your mothers cunt.

I know man I’ve been a casual patron there over the years… Fatheads/Smokin Joes/Nakamas/Elixir/Finn McCool etc. just wondering if there’s any inside lines that someone that LIVES THERE and/or doesnt suck cock for a living could clue me in on. Unfortunately no one that can meet either of those has responded yet.


Are you looking for dives, or what? What’s you fancy… that doesn’t have a taint in it’s vicinity?

stay up in kittanning you fucking hillbilly

because I give a fuck what Pittspeed thinks of my boss getting a place on the south side.

Go have Starboy take some more sappy pictures of you standing next to a river or something.

What exactly are you looking for? Dives, after-hours, what? I lived there in college, and have a load of friends that still live there.

Yeah cool dive bars and shit like that. Also after hours places… We were down there last night moving in and it looked like there were a few places on Carson where there was some action going on, but let’s just say there’s some dive bar off the beaten path that it a good place to go on a Tuesday or something like that… thats what I’d like to know about. Just the tips and tricks of the place if you will…

Says the dirtbike riding, death metal loving, redneck truck driving computer programmer.

I am not a computer programmer :bash:

Sure you aren’t.

Smiling Moose (15/16th I think), Brewski’s (10th), Rugger’s Pub (22nd) Casey’s (18th/19th) TikiBar has a completely different clientele during the week, same with Carson City Saloon…

Afterhours: Caravan Club (membership required I think)…and there is one near the X-roads on 18th…run by a firefighter…can’t think of the name

I am an “engineer” :kekegay:

but this thread is not about me, it’s about you and your ability to find young homosexual boys on the southside. the southside if full of punk kids or fags, but then again, that’s right up your alley.


Thanks for the info. Will definitely put this to good use. You’ll have to excuse my ignorance but what exactly are after hours places like. Just a bar that can serve past 2 or what?

You’re a fucking programmer, faggot. Deal with it.

Just like any other bar really, the only advantage is the chicks are looser (every sense of the word), usually cheap ass drinks (not that you can taste them by that time), and they serve until 6 or sometimes even 8am. There used to be places that were more like clubs but they aren’t around anymore, or I’m just not aware of them

birmingham bridge tavern