Anyone live over on the South Side

Not sure he’d want to. She was horrible looking. I don’t think any amount of money would do it. :ugh:

I’m with Sonny, I love the Birmingham Bridge Tavern. Try to get down there at least a couple times a month.

You know which loft it is up in that building? I’ve worked on a couple of systems up there and know of one where a guy just moved out and the guy that owned it was looking at getting it rented, just curious if it might be the same one.

The comment about Barry’s being a great place to entertain clients was pure sarcasm.

Clearly I’m going to have to make a few stops on the Soutside over the summer… last weekend was great times!

haha. think how far he would have had to stumble lol.

let us know when you are in town.

is barrys the black bar near bp where they serve cans of beer?

that’s the onyx, which is two doors down from Barry’s. I’ll throw Jekyll and Hyde into the mix, halloween themed bar, interesting crowd. Kopy’s on 12th, cheap as hell.

Haha yeah that’s the Onyx club. Jeckyl and Hyde’s isn’t a bad joint either

one of the ones up on the 3rd floor, the one with the big rooftop balcony/porch looking out onto the skyline. we were down on friday and hit up Ibiza for dinner then got tossed out of Smokin Joes around closing time. We we going to head back down after the Bret Michaels concert but we were far too wasted and the limo doesnt come in till sometime this week

Ok, the one I was on was on the 3rd I think, but it faced towards the tracks, not towards the city.

is it the Library? i think they have rooftop seating/bar there. it is down past birmingham bridge

How is it that nobody has yet replied with this?

So, you know all the places that people who do suck cock for a living hang out?

What am I thinking? Surely your dad took you to work a few times…

Go ahead, you can call me a noob fag, if it’ll make you feel better. 'cause it seems to be your standard response, and I care what you think, after all.

I have done work in a few of the lofts there. The ones on the third floor as baller! There was a guy up there who bought 2 units and made them into one loft it was huge. I think the bilding use to be a old brewery

awww look at you getting all defensive! thats so cute.


We really should get wasted one night down there… ill have to visit for sure this summer!

It honestly is ashame that you tool bags are going to live in a place like that. A bunch of hicks that will pull nothing but fat chicks. You are a disgrace to that apt.

so whens the party?

Need a pontoon

^ I’m with this guy