Anyone local sell turbo's?

I know most every car store is a dealer for turbonetics, but other than that does anyone else have competitive prices? Looking for pricing on a GT32, GT35, and GT35R…pretty sure i’m going to get the GT35 from AMS in the states but i figured i’d see if there’s a local hookup i dunno about…anyone?

i’m not too local but i have done many GT series turbos and am usually cheaper than importing from the US.

Got mine from Bing, Shipping , Duty etc included with Bings pricing.

Got mine from Bing, Shipping , Duty etc included with Bings pricing.[/quote]

and a warranty… just in case eh?

Got mine from Bing, Shipping , Duty etc included with Bings pricing.[/quote]

and a warranty… just in case eh?[/quote]
Werd, came in Handy. 8)

X3 for Bing
Great service!

i might as well throw the name autodream out there they have really good prices with warrenty

Well by all means give me a quote, all would be .63 a/r…

why don’t you check out his site,

Garrett just raised their prices and i havent received the new list yet. however, i did get a quote on the GT35’s for another guy.

even with the price increase the price will be under $1700, somewhere mid $1600’s shipped to your door. you pic the spec, there are many.

i’ll give you a much better price though if you buy like 5 of them…

Thanks man, but i can get the GT35 for less than a grand USD, even with shipping and exchange its still cheaper…GT32 is only 650 USD…thanks though, if i ever need five turbo’s i’ll look ya up, lol, jk, thanks again!

Those turbo’s arn’t on his site…

Those turbo’s arn’t on his site…[/quote]
Check under Engine

do you mind my asking where you would get that price from?

oops nevermind, a GT35 is very different from a GT35R

the pricing on a GT35 is much closer to $1000… i just assumed you wanted a GT ball bearing turbo aka: GT3582RLE as opposed to just a GT35

yeah its complex.

Those turbo’s arn’t on his site…[/quote]
Check under Engine[/quote] :clap

I wanted pricing on all three, and its through AMS or its the same company…

I was thinking after that you may have priced the ball bearing one, it would explain the price.

Those turbo’s arn’t on his site…[/quote]
Check under Engine[/quote] :clap[/quote]

I didn’t say there were no turbo’s on his site, i said THOSE TURBOS, as in the ones this whole post is about, are not on his site…just some smaller ones…sigh

Those turbo’s arn’t on his site…[/quote]
Check under Engine[/quote] :clap[/quote]

I didn’t say there were no turbo’s on his site, i said THOSE TURBOS, as in the ones this whole post is about, are not on his site…just some smaller ones…sigh[/quote]
AMS GT32 is a good trubo…May be a bit laggy on an SR though…I assume that what it is for. And the fact its not water cooler steered me away from it, spinning bearings is a Ghey way to lose an engine and Oil coolers are a pain in the ass. Oh yea and its Journall Bearing too. :butthead:

yeah, misunderstanding… i dont have a price off hand, i have an old pricing list and gauging by the increases in price for the other turbos i would estimate: $1250 cdn shipped to your door, brand new from Precision turbo with warranty.

1.05 and 1.18 a/r’s available.

It’s for a KA. He’s coming to take mine since you’re obviously too lazy. LOL! I’d go with a GT3071R. Mmmmm…