Anyone order a new Mazda recently?

It might be just a little delayed :lol:

The Singapore-flagged cargo vessel Cougar Ace has tipped over off the coast of Alaska. All 23 crewmembers have been rescued. The same cannot be said, however, for the 4,700 Mazdas aboard the ill-fated 654-foot ship.

Full story

Suprisingly, the ship isn’t sinking. The report is despite the angel that it rests at, its currently stable and salvagable. The vehicles it was carrying on the other hand :gotme:


whoa… that’s crazy. good story…

OT: your sig makes me wanna bust out some D&D and not talk to girls :tup:

how does a tanker “tip over” taking the turns too tighly :gotme:

he lost the little wrench for his coilovers and had the camber set up for the street while boatX’ing

Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if some/many of the cars would be fine. On a ship like that, the cars aren’t just parked in the hull. It’s pretty severe, but it’s likely that the ones that aren’t underwater will be ok.

I could be wrong, but I believe Cougar Ace was an old, old wooden ship, used in the Civil War era.



why would the network be concerned with an old wooden ship, ron?


You do understand unless the cars were completely attached this would have caused them all to fall to one side right? I’ve personally never been on a ship even remotely similar to this, but I Would assume they were parked on the lower decks similar to other transport ships.

Anyone have any input or experiance with this type or transport, and what method they use to store the vehicles?

I’m sure they are secured in some fashion but I don’t think it would be enough to hold them at a 60 degree angle.

probably just tie down straps holding them in place as to not bang togather, think they are all on one side of the boat now

I think the 60 degree angle plus the 1 week wait for the salvage team is not good. There may be some cars that are unharmed, but I’d imagine that a good number of them would need some amount of repair.

The real question is what do they plan to do with said cars. :slight_smile:

Rebadge them as DSM’s and put them up for sale

I’m sure there is something you could use on the SHO.

blast hole in side of boat
attach floaties to the best cars
blast hole in other side of ship
wait for your cars to float out
tow ashore

The ship had finally docked in Portland, OR.

walter wins

“I’m shocked by how little damage there is to the vehicles on the ship. I’d estimate 95% or better of all the vehicles have no damage at all. The lashing straps kept the vehicles secure despite an almost 70 degree list, a testiment to the toughness of nylon straps.”