Anyone own, or have access to, a 2010-11 Corvette or STS with NAV?

Probably a long shot here, but maybe someone either works at a Chevy dealer, or has a relative with one.
Anyway, wanna help out a fellow speeder and make a few quick bucks? No effort required on your part other than meeting up with me for a half hour or so. (NOHOMO)

PM me.
Probably WNY only would be practical on this one, but I put it in network since it’s the only thing I can see at work.

They still on disk?

Who makes the disk? I know BMW uses NAVTEC, so who does GM use?

GM uses navtec for some but this one uses Denso. Used in the STS, Vette, and Saabs.

Looks like 2010 is a little cheaper:

Yeah, the '06’s came with 2 free updates so my disk is '08 which isn’t horrible, but there are some quirks with the roads and a lot of new POI’s aren’t in there. Not worth spending $200 over, but worth tossing someone $20 to “borrow” their disc for 30 min with my laptop.

my uncle who im very close with has a brand new STS. PM me if you need to, i can ask him… im sure we can meet at his house and do it there, i doubt he’ll go anywhere to help tho haha

Can you really just burn the discs?

^^^ idk if those discs are protected…i assume he looked on a forum somewhere else to find out you could do this tho, idk

and nvm. “has everything but nav”

Damn. Thanks anyway king, that would have been awesome.
Boardjnky, you just need to use ImgBurn to make an ISO of the current disc and then verify a couple settings and burn it to a DVD+R DL. Fortunately thanks to my modded xbox I have a ton of them lying around.

how many cadillac sts owners do you think have modded xboxs

hmm…do grandkids of STS owners count?
I’m totally going to hook it up to the yellow/red/white inputs in the glove box if I take it on a road trip where I don’t have to do all the driving…nav screen xbox ftw

nice, that’s awesome…I wonder if that works on the nav with an infiniti

if it does its prob the same as nissan’s nav dvd which should be easier to find at least

go test drive one and ask if you can keep it overnight… since your a current owner of an STS-V they might go for it. get free car for a day + nav disks.

He could just bring his laptop with him and rip while he … rips?

yo dawg, I herd you like ripping…

it would be really funny if he just swaps disks and the new owner later on is like “WTF is this shit?”

I don’t think they’d include the manuals and discs until the last line is signed in finance.

how are you meant to try out the navigation if you don’t have the disks in?

2011 Corvette/Grand Prix/9-5/STS Navigation Disc 20980238 can find anyof these cars… might be eaiser to find a grand prix or some dummy who bought a 9-5