Anyone Recall the Ship at the end of Tifft st


It may have already been mentioned, but:

The ship is being tug’d up Welland where it will recieve a sea worthiness inspection. This makes me think that it will be tug’d across the Atlantic. IIRC a European was slated to buy it.

It was in the Buff Snooze today.

BTW - Don’t joke about india… there was a Discovery / History channel show over the weekend about the Indian iron cutters. They are no joke - albeit a bit crazy. Main point: They are the largest scrapping operation in the world. At least, according to the talking box.


I’m 90% sure that’s where it’s going, Alang, India. I saw that documentary too, last year I think. The stories about her claim she was a Liberty ship but I don’t see her name on the list (Originally USS Marine Star) But she’s not a Liberty ship, she’s too big. So it definitely was not designed to cross the great lakes. Here are a couple stories about it…