Anyone Recall the Ship at the end of Tifft st

They were going in the right direction with the floating casino/resturant. Wish it could have panned out.


They were going in the right direction with the floating casino/resturant. Wish it could have panned out.


that would’ve been cool, one of the higher profile restaurants here is on a ship, Moshulu.

They sail it during dinner every year on new years, tickets are crazy expensive for that though. Any other night its just docked for dinner.

i drive past that almost daily - no point in moving it unless it makes them money… the side of that building is certainly uglier than the boat was :slight_smile:


i drive past that almost daily - no point in moving it unless it makes them money… the side of that building is certainly uglier than the boat was :slight_smile:


I agree, are they doing anything with that building anyways?


too bad they are taking it away :frowning: I really wanted to check that place out more heh

here’s a pic from a few years ago


I’ve seen that place with it’s doors open and they store boats in there!

But now that the ship is gone, Its like looking to see a Big ass hole there now but there isn’t one. It was like a Buffalo land mark seeing it there.

Wow. Does anyone else see the symbolism of this?!?!?

A rusted out boat, sitting near a rusted out steel plant, now being “shipped” over seas to be used where all of the jobs are going?

Wow, erie.(Pun intended)

More on the ship

Looked nice in its days.


Wow. Does anyone else see the symbolism of this?!?!?

A rusted out boat, sitting near a rusted out steel plant, now being “shipped” over seas to be used where all of the jobs are going?

Wow, erie.(Pun intended)




They were going in the right direction with the floating casino/resturant. Wish it could have panned out.


way to shoot yourself in the foot, Buffalo.

hahaha im gonna miss that boat, and nearly dying getting on it to play paintball

i cannot stop reading about this boat. i LOVE old boats. i used to have all kinds of shit on the titanic when i was a little kid. al;ksdjflakdsjflkajsd

found this too

Some shots of it leaving on Flickr already.

kinda sad, actually…there’s a little childhood wrapped up in there.

its kinda sad to see leave. As much of a pile of crap that was it was OUR pile of crap…lol

Since there still seems to be interest in this, an update:

7/16 - 10:00 p.m. - The tow is clear of Lock One.

A decision is to be made at Lock 1 as whether the tugs would change positions below the lock or change in the lake. The Commodore Straights is to take the lead with the Radium Yellowknife trailing.

The crew reports that the generator on the Aquarama had been returned to service and all the machinery on board was in good shape and a great job of lay up years before had been done.

A shipyard in Quebec was mentioned as a stop for some survey work and an appraisal on the condition of the hull.

I always wanted to take a look inside but its something about ships that has been abandon scares me…but wow…if only i had that much money to spare…that boat would of been a fuckin pimp house.

Wait, that thing still runs?


Wait, that thing still runs?


At least the generator does according to that update I posted. Sounds like no propulsion though considering they’re towing it.

i guess so

That’s wild considering it’s so old, and has just been sitting around rusting away for so many years.