Anyone Recall the Ship at the end of Tifft st

I always Wanted to Climb the Anchor Chain onto the ship Just to see the dam thing. I made it to the Top of the Old Central Chain station Before in the City, So why not this. “Behind the Clock are glass floors, Very Pimping” But yeah, Would LUV to see them Grain elevators gone now to. In fact, I was just there two days before the ship left to check out the trails at the end of the ship canal, which that’s 75% gone also due to development. and seen a tug boat next to it, But wasn’t the first time seeing one there so I didn’t think anything of it, But had to stop and gawk at it for a few minutes anyways cause it’s just a kewl “Rusted P.O.S.” Thing to look at.

Nice to see something being done with it though. A while ago they restored Power to the Old Submarine that’s near the Light tower in downtown and My Father was there to Make contact with Other military sub’s in Operation via the old ass equipment they had in the submarine. Was a very kewl thing to watch when I was a lil kid. Suck cause I was looking for the Video tapes from the news stations a lil while ago and could not find them. And My dad is past away now so I wanted to see some memories of it to show my kid’s. “Wonder If the local news channels can send me a copy?” But yeah. Hope they make that ship and area of the city into something worth the money(s)

i never managed to get on it. was it sweet inside? i can’t believe you played paintball on it.


I would LOVE to see those Grain elevators gone to.


Fixed for grammar.


Fixed for grammar.


Luv, Love, Same thing.

What’s that one movie where they were in a old abandoned ship and it was haunted. “Like that helps”

Ghostship? lol

That movie absolutely sucked. At least the one I am thinking of. Ghost Ship or something. I think there was a old version. saw the remake. it sucked very much so.

Oh, and I can overlook the luv/love part, it’s moreso the them/those thing that set me off.


i cannot stop reading about this boat. i LOVE old boats. i used to have all kinds of shit on the titanic when i was a little kid. al;ksdjflakdsjflkajsd

found this too


Nice find. :tup:
I love old ships too, especially warships.

This still makes me sad.


They were going in the right direction with the floating casino/resturant. Wish it could have panned out.


Buffalo drops the ball, again…

I dont think that would have had a chance of making it as a casino in Lake Erie anyway. The operating season would be May-October, but people would only really go to it in June-August. Even if they tried to keep it open in the winter while docked, no one would go down there in the cold.

Not to mention the thing was a cargo ship and rode like shit too high in the water when not weighted down with freight.

As cool as it could have been, it’s nice to see something “irreverent” being done with something old and busted sitting useless in Buffalo. It sets a nice precedent. coughgrainelevatorsonthewaterfrontcough

I wonder how they slipped it under Sam Hoyt’s radar…


I wonder how they slipped it under Sam Hoyt’s radar…


He as too busy having Buffalo officially named the end of the Erie Canal, and his next project, having Buffalo declared an exit on Interstate 81.


hahaha im gonna miss that boat, and nearly dying getting on it to play paintball


That was one of my plans, it looked impossible to get all the equipment up there. Fun?


And his next project, having Buffalo declared an exit on Interstate 81.


If it weren’t for the Canal thing, I would be able to take that as a joke. Is he saying that the 90 is just a 200 mile off ramp? Or is he just not concerned with reality anymore?


If it weren’t for the Canal thing, I would be able to take that as a joke. Is he saying that the 90 is just a 200 mile off ramp? Or is he just not concerned with reality anymore?


It was a joke, but if he ever happens to stumble across this site and sees your idea, I wouldn’t put it past him.


Fixed for grammar.


you probably should have fixed “too” aswell


you probably should have fixed “too” aswell


as well.:slight_smile:

<— :picard:

My bad.

I rember when the boat first arrived I was out with a few other jetskiers looking it over and some dumbass on a jet ski went for a really close up view ,bouncing off of the stern.Funniest shit I ever saw.I guess he forgot throttle to turn and NO Brakes.


It was a joke, but if he ever happens to stumble across this site and sees your idea, I wouldn’t put it past him.


Heh. If he gets the canal money he should ask the US for a cut of the reparations money we pay the Marshall Islands for all the nuclear testing we did there. If has no problem asking that Buffalo be legally considered the end of the canal then I’m sure he’d have no problem asking that Buffalo be legally considered an island in the Pacific.

i always wanted to get up in there but never got a chance to. dammit. im afraid of it, well falling in the water between it and the building.

so this is why the past week or so there has been people walking around in and on the ship :gotme: