Anyone ride to work today?

It was cold as hell this morning, but it’s already shaping up to be a nice ride home.

i did the ezgo!brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I would of, but I have the wheels off trying to fix some pitting on the polished lips. Damn things were fine and I only took it out maybe 3 times this winter when most of the stuff was washed away. Every time I cleaned and wiped them down and they still pitted. :madfawk:

Figures it gets nice out while I’m trying to fix it.

Damn. That sucks.

It was 31 degrees when I passed a bank this morning. Thankfully I just ride through town at around 25mph. Definitely would have sucked on the highway.

I rode in to work. Takes about 15 minutes. It was 34 degrees when I got into Oakland. SHould be a great day for riding.

I decided to break out the bike today. It’s going to be too nice this afternoon to let a little sub-40 degree weather ruin a nice afternoon ride home.

40 minute ride to work, started out the ride at 38 degrees.

i rode to work today it was swweeeeet

I wish

I have rode every day except for tuesday…

i rode tuesday-thurs but left the bike over my buddy/bosses house last night, no ridin for me today till after work (if it aint bad out)

i just made it home before it started to drizzle

Well its pouring here… guess im fucked…


I got caught in the rain on the way home. Oh well no big deal. Im cleaning the bike up tomorrow.

Anyone ride today? It was cold. My hands are still numb.

Johnstown has 3" of snow. No one is riding here.

Im thinking about riden tommorw…

I rode today, wasnt that bad.

rode all day today it was nice.

today sux, but I rode. It wasnt pouring down rain, but still sucked. Yesterday was great, until the sun went down and it got cold and I forgot to wear my jacket…i hate shivering on my bike.