Who rode today?

I rode to work today. Should get hom ebefore any rain. Its great to ride again after so long.

nice. it is a nice day outside today. enjoy it

On my way to work I realized that I should have rode. Temps are supposed to drop again later this week too.

i dont know what its like where u guys r right now, but from what it looks like out my window those of u that rode r owned…fucking raining

Took a short spin yesterday, but I’m stuck at work today… Damnit.

Have an '03 SV1000

raining here!!

the rain system that is moving in our area is gone right now(Oakland). I was just outside and it wasnt raining anymore. So I should be fine until 4:00p when i have to go home.

spring like days are those days i miss my bike. can’t wait till i get another one.

What’s the deal? 50 something yesterday and this morning is ice/snow. This weather SUCKS.


yep. it took like 10 mins for my windows to clear off from ice / snow. yesterday was pretty nice though, besides the rain on and off. im def sick of the cold / snow / ice, and yesterday being nice makes today suck so much worse.

Anyone taking advantage of this weather? I rode to work today…a little chilly this morning, but I think I’m taking the long way home.

if u have a bike…no excuse for not riding today

i need a cheap bike for back and forth to work and shit, and something just to ride around with instead of wasting gas on the peon

like a neon used all that much gas

Mopar Performance ECU owns me… Premium fuel only,


how much that give ya? 12hp whats that do 15s now

yes here an excuse, a craider on a bridge bends and pops both of your wheels/tires then the state saying if you wrecked then you would have a case, doesnt matter that rebar is showing and the hole is like 12x15x4 no wreck damage is on you.

damn. sorry about your luck. hope it all works out.