Mr. Gasket Copperseal Exhaust Gaskets for SR20DET
I need a new gasket and am wondering if I should get this copper unit or a 3-layer unit from Nissan #14036-75F00
thats a good piece to use, its from an s15 infact…
You are talking about the copper one right? :o
Get the 7 layer nissan metal one, its like a metal headgasket.
no, im talking about the oem one…my bad
I’m running the 7 layer one too. In the end, it’s worth the money.
You can reuse it.
You save yourself the time of scraping off the old gasket.
You save yourself the time and money of driving to Nissan to pick up another gasket.
Leave it to mark to turn one point into three… haha
Both the metal layered gaskets and the copper are re-usable. Give the copper a try let us know how it is!
I think the 7 layer is a little thick and a 5 or 3 layer is more then sufficient for most setups.
I went to CT and ordered the copper gasket. Rang in at $29+tax ($32 something after). I should get it in a few days.
I would have gone with Nissan but they screwed me over in the last order. :o
I ended up getting the Mr. Gasket copper. Cost $29.xx+tax ($32 after).
Picked it up in a few days. Looks good :dunno:

damn that looks good. nice! let us now how it seals!