Anyone Up For A Cruise Saturday?

Anyone up for a cruise Saturday the 28th?

when and where. i could possibly be up for that

let me know when and where, I would be able to make some time.

arg i cant that day…

im in

I would be up for a cruise. Maybe I could finally meet someone in this city! :partyman:

Count me in most likely, My vote is Hawrelak meet.

so we meet at Hawrelack Park Saturday at what time? Whos bringing the food to barbecue? lol. :drinkers:

I will show up if my car is running, i need to burn off all my odl gas before the big dyno day

Well, plans changed!
Turns out my car died on me today.
More info soon, il make a thread with a video.
Long story short, either broke a rod or bent a valve (i think).
So im gunna have to say im unavailable for about a week or so.

What time are we all meeting up at hawrelac park?

mmmm time ??? what about 6

sounds good. Im free all day, so 6 would work…

6 will work then crusie to UC (aka ricer central) after if wanted

Where abouts do you guys meet in the park, Ill be there with some guys from GTRCanada if thats cool…

And ya id cruise out to UC aswell,

we could meet on that first parking lot to the left where they had the car show last year, that way everyone can see where we are at and not get lost … then get the cruise started thru the parking lot then to UC

ok i might show up now :slight_smile:

I’ll try to make it… I do tend to get very lazy on the weekends though haha.

How was the meet?

It was fun, we had a different crowd turn up than the usual guys, so that was cool. Very short cruise from hawrelak to UC… its funny how many cars will slow down, then give you the 1st gear fly by at a small meet. :rolleyes: