anyone up for a poker game tonight??

So you are saying everyone is spreading lies and you did no wrongs?

You were trying to sell shit on that car right after the accident when the note was not fulfilled.

What’s the difference between you selling the bank-owned STI vs me selling your car? We both don’t own it outright.

So by you saying this, it’s basically re-stating what I had said about the car that was given to Jason…but I was wrong then? That mishap was pure bad luck. That’s in the past, I have since seen Jason on a few occasions since and everything has been put behind us. Every other car I’ve sold on the other hand, is still running to this day with no hiccups. I’m not out to get anyone at all. I let all buyers know exactly what they’re getting.
I just sold a 2003 K20 block that was sitting in my yard for 5 months, I let the buyer know. It was out of a wrecked car that may have damaged the motor, I let the buyer know.
A real honest seller will be up front with the buyer and let them know the deal, history, and not let them get the short end of the stick. It may not get things sold quickly, but it makes everyone’s life easier.
Then again for you, who is probably in dire need for money, you’ll do anything to get something sold. Whether it be sell a set of taillights, get the money and never send them and then sell them again…orrr sell a junk ass motor to someone that will later find out and go through a lot of hassle.

Nahhhhh… thats not travis at all, he would never do such a thing

what a bummer I missed what this shitty thread turned into man…

Can I buy in with a check?


cavy visit your photoucket account

Its not mine, it shows up on my screen, but i think it may be inactive, i’ll rehost t

1aSTIg1? isnt that the kid that got jacked by Failvis?

According to travis, No. According to the pics he posted, seems so. Canceled check deposited in clifton park to a tavis kock, along with a PM from travis himself saying he got the check.

But hey, its not the truth according to travis

So yes it was the guy he jacked

LOL i would LOVE to hear Travis’ explanation for this.

For good measure, here

He will reply and say that I have no idea what I’m talking about, blah blah blah. This was the transaction for the tail lights, that he ended up selling locally iirc

wait I think he did explain this NM it was another one where the bank account numbers were one off from his parents imagine that shit:rofl:rofl:rofl

That never happened. You fail.

BS it didnt happen I guess I will have to prove it

You won’t prove it

prove it, until then, I don’t think it happened.

lol little agitators BUT here enjoy:

Now straight:


		  	 	 	 	 		 		 			 			 				![]( 				<b>Re: FJ Seller that didnt send item I bought.</b> 			

Everything has been resolved, it was a bank error, it got deposited into his parents account (1 number difference) He got his money, i get my cams tomorrow.

Feel free to lock, delete, burn, bury this thread

Thanks to everyone that helped.