anyone up for a poker game tonight??

good for you.:hug


i srsly can’t stand you or your ignorant posts. ban 1

nahhh…let him stay and be ridiculed.

ban 3


how did i commit fraud(notice past tense) when the people who purchased said items were fully aware of condition before leaving with items… by all means enlighten me oh wise one.

i am no longer interested in the notion that people this stupid exist. lets try again.

ban 1

I know that, dickweed. You know what else I learned in HS Accounting? Business ethics and morals. There are some things that are not against the law to do but are considered MORALLY WRONG by 99% of level-headed people. This is one of them.

There were 3 consecutive ban votes, no one was joking. I thought by forum rules that counts as a ban?

I ninja edited mine out :ninja

thats only for locks :lol

cant ban me for this holmes… i didnt threaten anyone didnt disobey any forum rules… just cuz u dont agree with something i type dont get me banned

You purposely withheld information regarding the items.

Seriously oh wise one, is EVERYONE wrong and you are RIGHT? :crazy

Obviously, that’s what he’s been telling us right?

ask anyone i sold any car parts to if they knew the car was in a fire before taking delivery of said items… they will ALL say they were aware of it. ive withheld nothing. :tongue

It’s ok, I’m sure you wont be on the forum for to much longer. You probably dont pay your internet bill so give it some time and they’ll shut you off.

:rofl :thumbup :retardclap

So, why is everyone on all of these forums all pissed? Why were you banned on these forums?

Also, how do you sell parts off a car owned by a bank? Can I sell your currently car now?

people got butthurt over false allegations… shit spread far and wide due to morons from here spouting off about shit they had no clue about.
car has been paid for in full and my money bought built motor and aftermarket turbo… they can have the blown stockers back for all i care.
i own current car flat out no loans, and no you may not sell it… i need something to drive.