anyone up for a poker game tonight??

it is and it isn’t. if you are intentionally decieving people about products you are selling (i’m not saying you are i’m just saying IF)and someone steps in with LEGIT, relevant, undisclosed information then wouldn’t you agree whoever steps in is doing the internet as a whole a favor?

the person whos butting in to someone elses for sale thread… if you’re going to bash the sale go off yourself.



Travis can you HONESTLY say if I knew you were looking at a car and I knew that the car was in a serious accident and had frame damage that was cob-job fixed and I told you about it that you would not be thankful? You cannot justify intentionally withholding information from a sale.

its is the sellers discretion to list his wares however he sees fit. the seller is the sole proprietor of the item and anyone else commenting on condition of said item is out of line. flat out. before any money leaves my hand i want to know 1 thing, does it work… answer to my items… YES. thats all the info needed…as i said before… its like fuckin a chick with kids… you obviously know she puts out, but u dont want the details of how many cocks shes sucked… ya follow?

Butting in? Are you fucking retarded? It’s a public thread. I’m not butting in anything. This is out there for anyone to see and anyone to comment on. You need a do-over for your life.

soooo this said poker game… am I just going to get robbed at gun point?

Nope. No one follows. If you are screwing someone over and someone decides to let them know then they are not in the wrong. You are for being a POS

if i was dumb enough to purchase said vehicle… i deserve what i get.

FALSE. The public have every right to say whatever they want about the item. It is up to the seller to defend his item. If someone comes into a for sale thread and makes some bullshit claim then the seller has to either prove it is bullshit, own up to it, or lie about it.

If all you care about is if the item works or not, that is fine. But that is how YOU do business, not everyone else.

Wow. If it was something that you had no way of knowing unless someone told you it would be the buyer’s fault?

How is a buyer ‘dumb enough’ if they never had any information telling them otherwise?

Travis: Wife says you are commiting fraud.


Could I sue him on the buyers behalf? And would the court throw it out if it was for like, $1.00. I just want to prove to him that what he is doing is wrong.

Wow! Travis you are sooo fucking dense! How about your make it a point to log off this site and never return. Nobody missed you before.

To be honest…I haven’t had this much fun at work since his original reign as forum idiot.

^ :lol in that case, commence bashing

I think he finally quit…he hasn’t posted in 10 minutes. Guess I’ll have to actually do work

YES… business and personal law… you learn this shit in fucking highschool.

caveat emptor. BUYER BEWARE. it is the buyers sole responsibility to attain all information pertinent to them before making the sale… if someone is/was willing to purchase a car with a broken frame… its THEIR problem. not anyone elses… not your responsibility to tell the fucking world… its THEIR problem…

This proves right here that you are every bit of the scumbag people on here make you out to be. Simply put, you are not worth arguing with anymore, and rest assured i will personally and intentionally blow up every for sale thread you ever create from now on. solely on the basis of the above post. FUCK YOU.

how am i committing fraud… i dont have a for sale thread anywhere :wink: