Long story short, i gotta pick up a new tranny in ohio probably next week, thursday, fri, sat or sun. It will fit in the trunk of a grand prix, alas my grand prix doesnt move under its own power. So. Im just wondering if anyone with a truck/large trunk would be up to taking me to get my tranny. Ill naturally pay for gas, and toss you dollars for your troubles.
hmmmm…PM me your phone number to dicuss this a little more in detail. Im rockin a schweet 93 Caravan Bangbus and without the seats in the back it will be very spacious. If we can go on thursday then i will most likely be down for that. I cannot do it anytime on the weekend as I work crazy hours.
EDIT: If you need it on a weekend the turblo probe should be up to the task. Nice large trunk, with a decent amount of torque. And the milage is nice too.