Anyone up for ANOTHER trackday at SMP? Friday, Saturday or Sunday????

I’m thinking of setting up another trackday. Nelson or Fabi, up to you.

Weather looks above 10 degrees for this Friday to Sunday.

I haven’t decided if it’s gonna be a Drift day or a Lapping day. That’s all up to the response that I get from you guys.

More than likely, it will be a HALF day. Starting at NOON (12PM) SHARP!!! Will go until it’s dark, so like 6PM or so. Half days are the SAME price on weekends or weekdays.

If you want it to be a FULL DAY on the weekend, ie Saturday or Sunday, then the cost will be much higher. Much much higher. On Friday, it will be much cheaper for a full day.

Fridays are cheaper to rent the track than the weekend. I understand that weekends are easier for most people with real jobs but Fridays are doable for many.

For 5 hours at Nelson or Fabi on ANY day, it’s gonna cost me $2050 with tax.

For a FULL Day at Fabi on FRIDAY it’s gonna cost $2835
For a FULL Day at Nelson on FRIDAY it’s gonna cost $2625

Fabi - $4000
Nelson - $3800

So, i’m thinking a HALF DAY is way more doable than a fullday.

Price for the day will depend on how many people will commit to this. By commit, I mean how many people will PREPAY via EMT. I will not book until I have at least the deposit covered up front with the promise that the other half will be covered by people.

So for example. 20 people at $100.25 for a halfday will cover my costs. hahahah. If I make a little bit on top, hey, shoot me, I wouldn’t mind being able to cover the cost of some tires and gas for organizing this. :slight_smile:

I can call SMP tomorrow and find out if there is a end of season discount due to the fact that the toilets and cafeteria are closed for the season. If that’s the case, we’re golden.

I have organized plenty of trackdays in the past, full, and half days for cars and motorcycles. This won’t be a hackjob day, it’ll be safe, fun and should run like clockwork. There will be a mandatory drivers meeting before anyone goes on track at 12PM sharp so I’ll ask people to get there for 11AM so we can start right on time. If people want to start at 11AM, that’s possible too.

If anyone is willing to volunteer their truck and trailer to serve as Emergency recovery and response vehicles for crashed or broken cars on track can get a hold of me and make arrangements for a heavily discounted price or possibly FREE day pending interest. Your responsibilities would include the use of your vehicle on a moments notice and the authorization for someone to drive your vehicle with trailer in the event that you are not available to drive when needed.

So, please, post up with interest here. I’d love to get this going starting tomorrow and will begin accepting payments via emt as soon as I have confirmation on availability.

EMT will be to:

Post up what day you prefer, configuration also if you prefer full day or half day. (chances are that this late in the year, it will end up being only a half day on the weekend costing anywhere from $100 to $150 per person.

So, yeah. Lets do this people!

Post up!

If enough people register, there will be a raffle that everyone prepaid will be entered into. Raffle will be held at the end of the day and if you win, you will win your money back for the trackday.

There will be a guranteed winner.

Okay, today is your last chance for this to happen.

Post up now if you have interest.

I need a few days to organize this.

Do it. Track is calling.

I m down. I still have tires, and my car has no terminal issues. I’d prefer an half day, cuz its easier to wake up late. lol.

Any day is good with me.

That’s one. So, you’d have to pay $1025. it’s you and me.

I’ll be waiting for your EMT. hahahah.

lol, have fun waiting.


man if somehow my car manages to be fixed im down… lol

^ whats wrong with it?

Throw all ur shit on mine. That way I can drive it, and we will all be happy happy.

I’ll let you sit in it.

I know Mellie is down. lol

Mike! I’ve got a DE harness with your name on in :wink:

Seriously dudes. Don’t pussy out now! Lets do it!

lol. get more people, and i will do it.

well seeing as no one here is showing much interest, imma open it up tomorrow to other forums, it’ll prolly be a gri[ event at the Fabi then.

This still may be a go. I’ve got more interest from elsewhere. Just need about 5 more people. This will prolly be a drift day in the first three hours, then a lapping day at the end.

if this is at shanny, cant i just drift the whoel day, while everyone else grips?

You can do whatever you like.

lol, excellent. If this is going down for sure let me know.

Ok, obviously not enough interest for this weekend.

I’m gonna do it next weekend. I have an arrangemt with Shanny. I can cancel and get full refund 48 hours in advance if weather is shite.

Same deak, gonna do it saturday or sunday. Drift day.

Need prepayments.

  1. Keez Cut - Confirmed
  2. Captain Retardo (Ronnie) - Confirmed
  3. Harmin Harmit (Gyani) - Tentative

lol, if you get me those brakes and my shit is nice, and i fix my ps i m down.

So you can put me as down.