Anyone use a twizzler as a straw

Anyone ever bite the ends off of each side of a twizzler and use it as a straw. I just showed my kids (my daughter who is going to be 7 and my son who just turned 4) how to do it. They are amazed. Right now my daughter has three twizzler starws and my son has i think 8 in his little cup.

I microwaved a twizzler at the office today. It smelled like shit.

hells ya i never have straws around i always have twizzlers

i took 20 twizzlers, glued them together, and stuck them in brendansi’s butt once. they fell in and i couldnt find em after no matter how hard i tried :frowning:



twizzlers are the shit. :headbang:
I did that awhile back with my 7y/o. We had a blast…hahah
My 1 y/o likes to chew on em.:bloated:

just 20 pffffttt amature try 20 bags

Hell yeah. Twizzler fun!

lol… i used to do that all the time

i actually thought of doing it the other day…i had a twizzler at work lol

they let you do that at work!!?!?

i tried to do it with fake twizzlers and it wouldnt work :frowning:

My kids left some twizzlers on the table yesteray. Last night while I was grabbing a beverage I saw them, and it was on, I drank the whole iced tea through the twizzler all at once, it was friggin frozen when I finished. Good stuff.

lmao im doin it as i type this twizzlers= hotness

twizzlers make me poop.

talk about good for the environment. no paper on it to throw away and no plastic to throw away when your done with it just eat it. i think i’ll go to my local store and move all the twizzler packs to the straw aisle


Vids of confused old people looking for bendy straws and only seeing twizzlers


i do this at work all the time, the owners always have twizzlers and all kinds of other candy floating around for when were not eating chicken wings or za.

seriously i dont know how im not 500 lbs by now the amount of shit i eat at work

edited: wow i feel like a dbag. have fun with your kids.

(i didnt realize you were showing your kids. i thought u just found this out urself)