Anyone wanna let me borrow their large oven?

Im going to be sandblasting my old suzuki frame today after work and was going to just send it to powertech to have it coated, but they want $250 just to coat it (i’ll have it fully prepped)… and thats a little bit more than I was looking to spend. I will soon have all the powdercoating equipment, but I dont have an oven large enough to bake it in. Does anyone have a large oven I could borrow for about 15-20min just to bake this thing in if I coat it? Please let me know.


I got a guy at my work that is good friends with the owner of the other power coating place ACS usually gives some pretty hefty deals

I thought this thread was calling out a type of belief aka Jews… ugh im going to hell

Unfortunately ovens used for powdercoating curing can’t be deemed safe for food use after that.

You could construct your own with a little bit of effort Kenny…

I would let you use my ready bake oven BUT that only fits matchboxes

pjb will be contacting you shortly…

yeah once and oven is used fro powdercoat curing it gives of shit that makes using it for food dangerous to your health. $250 isnt bad for a bike frame. cheaper then a quality powdercoat set. I hope u arent usint the eastwood or harbor fright budget junk

no, Im not into powdercoating them

i picked up the harbor freight set. I know a few people who have used it and have had great results. I wouldnt use it for everyday use, but for the few times im going to use it it didnt make sense to buy an expensive set. Im going to do some of the smaller parts today and I’ll let you all know how it goes. I may end up just painting the frame with multiple coats.

Take pics! I’d be curious as to how the set works out for ya.

I hope you aren’t planning on using a house hold oven

its an old household oven that will only be used for powdercoating.

Pay the $250 and be done, man.

Powerdercoat is paint, and amateur paint looks like shit every time.
