Anyone wanna work for a week or a day here and there painting/scraping/spackling

And I know a dozen people who make $50k a week, whats your point?

I dont need someone thats a jack of all trades, I dont need someone who painted the white house, I need a couple of dudes, out of work, someone who needs extra cash or maybe just bored?

What I WOULD do if you were interested in working, is coming to look at the place and pay you a set amount for everything if your as good and quick as you say you are :slight_smile:

In THIS particular job however I find it better to have 3 workers that suck but are working then one worker that knows what hes doing… Again, you cant fuck up chipping paint off of a house and spraying the entire house 1 color… Paint fucking everywhere and when done lay down indoor/outdoor carpet. done.