Anyone wanna work for a week or a day here and there painting/scraping/spackling

Im not interested in what you mentioned in your OP actually, but if your looking for some nice landscaping to help make the front of the house really shine, let me know.

I have sheet rocked for years, insulated, tile flooring, tree work, and am a landscaper but scraping paint sucks and I refuse to do it unless the money is there.

yeah, I do drive by there alot. I think he looked into buying that house and another one before.

The guy with the horses and goats thinks he’s a real cowboy. Ive seen him in a flannel shirt, cowboy hat and cowboy boots out in the yard.

lol, but youve got to admit, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to do hence why I dont wanna pay alot lol… Someone WILL do it.

I might give ya a call, I dont wanna do much with the tree work, but I DO wanna cut alot of it down to expose the house more.

One of his baby goats was in the middle of the road today, I almost ran that fucker over.

Ive seen him chasing a goat back home before. No idea why somebody in Niskayuna needs goats.

lol, or horses.

no doubt its easy as shit, it just sucks lol.

Plenty of people that work 8 hours a day for less than that after taxes.

Shouldn’t have a hard time finding people who actually are motivated and news extra cash.

Job is simple it self.

Worked on a house last year just off Van V street.

I specialize in management and drinking coffee. If you’re willing to provide me with a coffee bitch i’d be happy to offer my services for the low sum of $30/hr.

bording up the boarders

Nothing is fuck up proof. Especialy spraying paint. But hey its your house.