Anyone want any shots of their cars or trucks taken

Yeah I knew it wasn’t about the camera. I was trying to read about it, but couldn’t understand. Maybe I needed some pictures with the tutorial.

its not hard…just takes time and practice

Do you have any links for tutorials. A forum I’m on a guy posted he used one raw shot and changed the exposure on them and saved them out as jpegs and then did the hdr.

making 3pics from 1 raw will work…but the outcome is NO WHERE near as nice…most time turns out like crap.

best results is shoot the proper 3 jpegs with the auto bracketing at ±2 and at ISO 100 because the noise stacks in the images and u want as clean as u can

Thanks for the link. I’m going to try it out this weekend.

XRunner, new USS Building in Waterfront??
work there? I moved them in a few months back

Yea i think thats what the bulilding is…No I work in shadyside…I just like the layout of that building for some pics

HUGE warehouse inside… looks like a Jet Hanger