For all you HDR haters ;) few more pics of the rex

Well we’ve had a gorgeous last couple days so i got some pics with the real camera. So Im gonna post all the HDR ones cause i know you guys liked them so much in the last thread ;).

I normally hate HDR, but it really does bring out the body lines of the car. I approve :tup:


nice! now just find something other than your house a background!

my eyes are burning

so artistic and creative

Lol. I hear ya. Its actually my parents house put there grass was so greeeeeen lol. My grass is shitty brown still.


I like the front lip and wheels.

pic #5 looks like it could be a ad in a magazine. That shot is sick.

Lol. They’re not that bright!



lol @ your mom/dad

As much as i hate HDR, at least you know how to do it right

I’d like to see some non HDR pics. Not hating, because the car looks sick regardless.

nice looking cah

:tup: Nice car and pics.

Nice car.

The last two suck though. My eyes hurt. Others look good.

I’m going to google/you tune a HDR tutorial right now


Those are Pretty good hdrs. All of them were taken with 10 diff exposures. I don’t need a tutorial lol