Anyone want to design me a web page?

I’m looking to setup a website for my artwork. Nothing really fancy, but I’d like it to look professional too. Maybe some flash content (if possible).

I don’t have a whole lot of cash though… I could do logo design or 3D stuff for trade of services, or advertise for you on the site.

Just looking to get a gallery setup, a bio page, resume page and a contact/feedback page

lmk if interested. I could probably do it myself, but don’t have the time right now and I don’t know a whole lot about HTML, just the basics.


i can

no shit, didn’t know that you did webdesign. Are you interested?

Like I said, I can do some 3D work for you (artistic or mechanical) or logo design or whatever. I could throw ya a few bucks too, but I’m a poor person these days

i do it all, lol

u need a host, u can make the logo, since im no artist.

right on kevin, you the man. I’ll get a hold of you as soon as I get my portfolio done/buy a domain.

One question though, how are you going to do itif you don’t own a macpro? :lol:

frontpage obviously

dreamweaver, and i would do it in notepad before i bought a mac.

lol for both posts

ill host it for you if you want is outdated because i only setup accounts i know so shoot me a PM and ill set it up for you

Just download a template for free and modify a few things.

Bam, done.

thanks boxa, I’ll be in touch

sureshot, I thought about that but I want it to look unique too. I did that for my blog but I started messing the template up more than I was helping it. I’m not much of a coder

thanks for the heads up on that :tup:

I think I still want my own domain though, looks more professional to potential customers

dreamweaver for the gay

wow think of that one all by yourself?

you must own a mac, simple single button, simple answer.

lol oh snap

steve, get ahold of me and we will work something out on what you want, im by no means the greatest, but i can get around and such.

will do kev, thanks man