WEBSITE creators / Computer people

Looking to setup a website for the company I work for.
Not looking to pay someone to have it done, rather pay a smaller one time fee
for the software, and pay the domain fee.

This is what I need :

  • Access to updating/refreshing pages/images
  • Menus
  • Possibly a Flash Picture Slideshow
  • No E-Commerce / Selling support needed
  • Basic layout (drag and drop) / text boxes w.e.
  • I want to be able to import my own pics/backgrounds/etc.

Let me know what companies to look for or programs/options I have
I’m sure there is a company that offers software/support and add-ons but who knows.

Thanks guys

Wordpress or Weebly.

Or look for a PHP/CSS template, however you probably won’t have the know how to edit it if you are looking for something simple as it requires knowing those web design languages.

Here is one I quickly made for my cousin with some basic quick edits (from a template):

I’m currently working on my own and I’ve invested far more time into and it looks far better. That was just something simple for him as the one he made looked like junk lol.