Finding a reasonable web designer...

so I need to get a web site redesign. Preferably something loosely based on a blog setup. Anyone know someone that does quality work? I want to kill my last person…to say the least…ripped me off hardbody in my opinion.

my current site now:
a partner/friend’s web site that is kinda dope:

his is straight because he can easily update everything in there himself, no problem…i’m sick of fucking with html and confusing shit. obviously my design would be entirely different, but his functionality is awesome.

anyone got a good idea on how i find someone reasonable to hire? know someone? thanks!

also, anyone know a good newsletter service that’s cheap/free?

also, anyone know a good newsletter service that’s cheap/free?

Is that whole thing in flash? The thing about flash is it doesn’t index with google. Unless of course you are a band or organization known to thousands or millions of people. Setting up a blog style site isn’t that hard at all. If you don’t mind me asking how much did he charge for that site. PM me if needed. I can try and do one for you.

I think typical rates are 300 for the design and 500 to what ever for coding, depending on the amount of functionality needed.

Setting up your blog is easy, but wordpress and themes :frowning: its not that great of an idea IMO for a artist

my bass player’s site

pretty sweet but… loading loading… lllooooaaaaddddiiiiinnnnggggg…

If you are going to want a full flash site, you are going to look into the 600+ price range if you are lucky.

Static pages with a content management system so you can edit the content simply will run you 200-400 depending on how much graphics you want designed and involved.

If you would like to talk, I can do whatever you you want done. What you are talking about is a CMS setup that allows you to manage your own content. Not very hard to implement. I can also set you up with a mailing list that you can manage quite easily PHP-List. We use this list for the Onyxsyndicate site.

I do not personally like to do much work with flash, but if it is important to you, then sure I can do it.

As for your friends site, that is actually quite eaasy to build. It is a simple css/javascript blub that causes the categories to expand contract. I have used something similar for an FAQ, not a whole site.

Some of my work includes:

I really like Drupal for CMS web pages. I run a few of them, but I am not creative enough to make them fun.

I hate flash based web sites. I usually leave them immediately

Flash is garbage.

My company builds sites that use either a full CMS or have user-editable content areas/pages but keep that separate from the design and HTML… that’s the way to go.

Honestly though? You should probably just set this up as a WordPress site or something along thoss lines - it’s not like you need crazy-custom functionality, and you can find a template you like or hire someone to design one for you… as much as we prefer Ruby on Rails over PHP, WP is so common, its easy to setup, host, maintain etc and it fits your price range :wink:

Oh - and I strongly recommend CampaignMonitor for newsletters.

I can second Campaign Monitor. They are a really good company to work with. I used to have one of my company’s lists with them. You will however be paying for what you get. It is much more effective for something like what you are doing to have an internal solution that will not cost you each time you want to use it.

Seriously, someone made a webpage for their wedding?

Srsly gay. Srsly.

Um, I did. I have 50% plus of my guests coming from out of town, and it is actually a common thing these days. There are quite a few different companies that offer templates and design etc… I used one of their templates as a starting point and created my own code to make it look similar. The family and friends love it, and it will allow me to handle RSVP on a database query vs. having tons of reply cards mailed in. I did throw some UBER GAY shit in there to appease the mothers and aunts, but other than that it is beyond functional. Maps, Hotel Info, Dates & times, hell even our registry will be up there so that we can actually get what we want and not some gay Dinner Plates.

there is actually a site that you can announce your wedding and reception and stuff. Very common now. To do full flash for a business you’d be looking at about $2000 minimum. Once again flash doesn’t index with google so promotion for yourself gets cut by doing so. All my websites are HTML with CSS. Looks like your buddy did spry collapsing panels.

Google just upgraded their bot and it is now able to read all text and links in flash. Pretty sweet for the developers that are flash junkies!

I didn’t look at the source code, but using spry elements sucks ass. Macromedia really dropped the ball with cross compatibility and easily modifiable code.

sign up for hosting that has wordpress blog software… super easy, super customizable, ANYONE can do it.

I agree with chino on this one. You can easily set up a wordpress account that will give you all of the functionality/feel of your friend’s site and allow you to update all of your own content. The only really tough thing is installing wordpress with the correct databases and creating/choosing a theme – two things that aren’t easy for someone without prior database and graphic design experience.

I have experience with setting up a lot of wordpress blogs on people’s servers. Send me a PM and let me know if you’d like me to help you with it (read as: cheap).

Alright, just to get a few things straight…no more flash. I paid the $$$$$$ and i’m still pissy about it…ha. Like I said earlier, something like Benzi’s site is more then fine. I have hosting that sets up wordpress for me…I had wordpress for awhile…it’s easy enough to do and I hacked up a little skin for myself a long time ago (just changed the banner to my logo). but I haven’t updated it in awhile and see…benzi’s site allows users to sign up for his newsletter, download things, book him etc…he has a functional sidebar
which is what my blog didn’t have, making it useless as a web site. speaking of which, you know how pissed I was when the flash site I had didn’t have a “contact me” button?! how stupid is that - you couldn’t figure out how to book me off that if you were going to die for it. that pissed me off. a good integrated blog site doesn’t look like a blog to the average guy, and has the functionality of a standard web site, but its easy for people like me to update it on the fly. word?

what I would do is sign up for a blog make a simple website and create an iframe to the blog…whenever you update the blog your site does also.

Did not know that. I use dreamweaver so spry assets are pretty easy to customize. All the styling I do in CSS, as well as the size, text, positioning, etc. Positioning it is the only shitty thing I had trouble with.