Try and find a better alternative from spry. I am sitting in my office coding a php/database registration page for the onyx site. I am using wordpad, and the thing is almost fully functional. The less that you can lean on dreamweaver the better off you will be in the long run. Do I love Dreamweaver? YES, I use it every day. However the computer I am at presently does not have it, and I would be getting nothing done if I couldn’t function properly outside of it.
Well as I’ve said previously I’m self taught and I started in dreamweaver. 95% of my web building is GUI the rest is coding and what not. I’m pretty good (I’m sure not 100%) with basic HTML and CSS as far as coding. I often look at websites source code or my own and make modifications via the code window in DW. I understand that it is imperative to know code, but IMO using dreamweaver over word processing program (if both are readily available) is more practical.
What he said.
My father is trying to pick up some on the side gigs … his website for more info is He did the website for the salon I work @ He was recently laid off from Kodak as the Internet Manager for the Entertainment Imaging dept. and is looking for some extra funds while on the job hunt. He doesn’t really charge too much, and if you end upi calling him and letting him know I sent you to him, he will probably throw you a real good rate
my company does web design as well, and while we are probably way out of your price range, feel free to hit me up. I have a hosting company and if you wanted to host with me, I’d be glad to set up a wordpress blog for you no charge.
FWIW, dave (dmoffitt) is a great designer, but he’s a total manlover LOL
hell my website cost me $9.99 for a year through godaddy… If i would have paid the $60 i wouldnt have the godaddy banner at the top… But for $10 i cant complain…
“You get what you pay for…” haha j/k
you can easily install word press yourself if you feel like taking a jab at it. once you learn the basics it’s not that hard at all. There are a million free themes that look great. Of course, you could find someone to design a wordpress theme and code the site for you for probably less than $200. It’s basically a CMS/news posting blog type setup. I recommend it if your going to update your site once a week at the minimum.
i’ve PMed a handful of people back…so yeah, i think I’ve found a lot of candidates haha.